An informative seminar at theEducational Complex Gymnasium №69 named after Toktogul Satylganov

Within the framework of project “Global Sustainable Development School” an informative seminar was held for the teachers of Educational Complex Gymnasium №69 named after Toktogul Satylganov. The seminar was about   “Health and Environment “ and was organized by the eco group. The seminar participants discussed current ecological problems and their influences on health of the human being. During the seminar organizers mentioned about the current situation in Kyrgyzstan i.e. pollution of the air, water pollution, product quality and their impact on human health that may lead to appear different kinds of illnesses.

According to statistics from 2009 to 2019 climate change and   pollution of the air increased throughout the world including Kyrgyzstan. The participants of the seminar suggested the ways of reducing these impacts.

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